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Join our membership today!
As a member, you enjoy the following:
Enjoy member rates for our events all year long!
Stay up to date with the latest news and information.
Be recognized into the executive committee to steer the association to a new level!
312 Exercise is FREE, mon-members may also join us for the exercise.














312 Exercise Instructor Course
The association is actively seeking new instructors to lead the exercise group and benefit others for a good cause.
At the end of the instructor course, you will be given a certificate and a badge to confirm your certification, you are also entitled to special privileges as below.
Instructor’s Benefits
  • Comprehensive instructor course to understand the exercise in detail
  • Instructor badge and certificate to recognize the high level of understanding and commitment
  • Priority for information updates and events
  • Accelerated upgrade to Ordinary Membership upon graduating from course and enjoy the full benefits offered by the association (including voting rights)
312 Exercise Volunteer Orientation
The association is actively seeking new volunteers to assist the association’s objective of benefiting others for a good cause.
At the end of the orientation, you will be given a certificate and a badge to recognize your commitment, you are also entitled to special privileges as below.
Volunteers’ Benefits
  • Comprehensive course to understand the exercise in detail
  • Volunteer badge and certificate to recognize your commitment
  • Priority for information updates and events
312经络锻炼法 – 指导员培训课程
本会即将配合联络所和一些团体积极推广312经络锻炼法健身运动和关怀年长者的慈善活动,做一些有利社会的工作。我们预计需要更多指导员来协助这些活动, 欢迎师兄师姐参加。
  • 将免费接受指导员课程培训,了解掌握312运动的正确操作
  • 将获取协会指导员徽章和证书
  • 将优先得到协会更新的最新信息和活动
  • 升级到普通会员并享有协会提供的所有优惠(包括竟选和投票权)
312经络锻炼法 – 义工课程
本会即将配合联络所和一些团体积极推广312经络锻炼法健身运动和关怀年长者的慈善活动,做一些有利社会的工作。我们预计需要更多义工来协助这些活动, 欢迎师兄师姐参加。
  • 将免费接受义工课程培训,了解掌握312运动的正确操作
  • 将获取协会义工徽章和证书
  • 将优先得到协会更新的最新信息和活动









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